PhD in Physics, Researcher at the Department of
Radiophysics. He graduated as M.Sc in 2013 from the magistracy of
the Faculty of Physics of St. Petersburg State University. From 2013
to 2016 he studied as a graduate student at the Department of
Radiophysics, and in 2016 he published his thesis “Non-diverging
radiation of charged particle beams in the presence of planar and
3-D periodic structures from parallel conductors” under the guidance
of Professor A.V. Tyukhtin.
His research interests include theoretical and numerical study of
electromagnetic fields generated by beams of charged particles
moving in the presence of periodic and inhomogeneous structures, as
well as media with complex dispersion properties. Effects such as
Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation and transition radiation, as well as a
number of related effects, fall into the designated area. Recently,
the problems of the interaction of moving beams with bounded
dielectric objects, wire metamaterials and metasurfaces, and
problems of radiation from open waveguide structures have been
considered. The noted issues are promising for the development of
methods of wake acceleration of charged particles and non-perturbing
diagnostics of particle beams in accelerators. Open waveguide
structures excited by high-current beams also seem promising for the
generation of intense radiation in the terahertz frequency range
(0.1-10 THz).
He is a winner for scholarships and subsidies of the Government of
St. Petersburg for graduate students and young scientists (2016,
2018), scholarship holder of the Dmitry Zimin Dynasty Foundation
(2012-2013). Author of publications in leading physics journals,
participant of national and international conferences (in particular,
the International Particle Accelerator Conference, Radiation from
Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures, Days on Diffraction),
including as a member of the organizing committee.
Phone: |
Scopus: |
Selected papers:
1. |
Vorobev, V.V., Tyukhtin, A.V.
Nondivergent Cherenkov radiation in a wire metamaterial
(2012) Physical Review Letters. |
2. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V.
Cherenkov radiation in a metamaterial comprised of coated wires
(2013) Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics.,
38 2, 10.1029/2002RS002714,
2003. |
3. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V.
Radiation of charges moving along the boundary of a wire metamaterial
(2014) Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics.
Радиотехника и электроника, 50, 7, 821-827, 2005. |
4. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Galyamin, S.N.
Radiation excited by a charged-particle bunch on a planar periodic wire structure
(2014) Physical Review Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams. |
5. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Galyamin, S.N. Radiation of
charged-particle bunches passing perpendicularly by the edge
of a semi-infinite planar wire structure (2015) Physical
Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics. |
6. |
Grigoreva, A.A., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Alekhina,
T.Y., Antipov, S. Mode Transformation in a Circular
Waveguide with a Transverse Boundary between a Vacuum and a
Partially Dielectric Area (2016) IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques. |
7. |
Vorobev, V.V., Tyukhtin, A.V., Galyamin, S.N. Surface waves
generated by charged particle bunch moving along the edge of
semi-infinite planar wire grid (2017) Radiation Physics and
Chemistry. |
8. |
Grigoreva, A.A., Galyamin, S.N., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev,
V.V. Radiation of a charge intersecting the boundary between
area with dielectric layer and vacuum area inside a
cylindrical waveguide (2017) Progress in Electromagnetics
Research Symposium. |
9. |
Galyamin, S.N., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V. Radiation from
open ended waveguide with dielectric loading (2017) Nuclear
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam
Interactions with Materials and Atoms. |
10. |
Grigoreva, A.A., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Antipov, S.
Radiation of a Charge Intersecting a Boundary between a
Bilayer Area and a Homogeneous One in a Circular Waveguide
(2018) IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques. |
11. |
Galyamin, S.N., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Aryshev, A.
Bunch radiation from a semi-infinite waveguide with
dielectric filling inside a waveguide with larger radius
(2018) Journal of Instrumentation. |
12. |
Galyamin, S.N., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V. Focusing the
Cherenkov radiation using dielectric concentrator:
Simulations and comparison with theory (2018) Journal of
Instrumentation. |
13. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Belonogaya, E.S., Galyamin,
S.N. Radiation of a charge in presence of a dielectric
object: Aperture method (2018) Journal of Instrumentation. |
14. |
Grigoreva, A.A., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Galyamin,
S.N., Antipov, S. Radiation of a charge flying in a
partially loaded dielectric section of a waveguide (2018)
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams. |
15. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Akhmatova, E.R., Antipov, S.
Radiation of charged particle bunches in corrugated
waveguides with small period (2018) Journal of
Instrumentation. |
16. |
Galyamin, S.N., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Grigoreva,
A.A., Aryshev, A. Bunch Imaging at the Open End of an
Embedded Circular Waveguide (2018) IEEE Transactions on
Microwave Theory and Techniques. |
17. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Galyamin, S.N., Belonogaya,
E.S. Radiation of a charge moving along the boundary of
dielectric prism (2019) Physical Review Accelerators and
Beams. |
18. |
Galyamin, S.N., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Grigoreva,
A.A., Aryshev, A.S. Cherenkov radiation of a charge exiting
open-ended waveguide with dielectric filling (2019) Physical
Review Accelerators and Beams. |
19. |
Tyukhtin, A.V., Galyamin, S.N., Vorobev, V.V. Peculiarities
of Cherenkov radiation from a charge moving through a
dielectric cone (2019) Physical Review A. |
20. |
Galyamin, S.N., Vorobev, V.V., Benediktovitch, A. Radiation
field of an ideal thin Gaussian bunch moving in a periodic
conducting wire structure (2019) Physical Review
Accelerators and Beams. |
21. |
Grigoreva, A.A., Tyukhtin, A.V., Vorobev, V.V., Antipov, S.P.
Radiation from a charged particle bunch in a circular
waveguide having areas with corrugated and smooth walls
(2019) Physical Review Accelerators and Beams. |
22. |
Galyamin, S.N., Vorobev, V.V., Tyukhtin, A.V. Radiation of a
charge in dielectric concentrator for Cherenkov radiation:
Off-axis charge motion (2019) Physical Review Accelerators
and Beams. |