Andrey V. Tyukhtin,  Professor,  Head of Department,  Ph.D.,  Doctor of Science


Andrey V. Tyukhtin received his degrees in physics from the St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU): M.S. degree in 1982, Candidate of Science (Ph.D.) degree in 1985, and degree of Doctor of Science in 2000. The theme of his doctor thesis is "Scattering of electromagnetic fields on plane structures in moving and spatially dispersive media" (this investigation has been awarded with the first prize from the Academic Council of Physical Faculty of SPbSU).

He has held several positions in SPbSU since 1982. He is currently (since 2001) a professor and a head of the Laboratory of Electrodynamics of Nonstationary and Microwave Processes (LENMP) of the Radiophysics Department of SPbSU.

He lectured series of courses created by him including “Linear Wave Processes”, “Processes of Radiation in Electrodynamics”, “Foundations of Electrodynamics of Moving Media”. During many years, he was a member of Academic Council in the area of Radiophysics, and a member of Academic Council of Physical Faculty of SPbSU. He has participated in creating the plans of teaching at Physical Faculty. 


Now A.V. Tyukhtin is a head of the Radiophysics Department of SPbSU (since 2018) and a member of Academic Council of Physical Faculty of SPbSU. 


His main research activities includes:

- Radiation and scattering of electromagnetic waves in moving and dispersive media; 

- Vavilov-Cherenkov radiation, transition and diffraction radiation, radiation of moving oscillators; 

- Radiation of charged particles in waveguide structures with material filling;

- Electrodynamics of periodic structures and metamaterials;

- New methods of acceleration and diagnostics of charged particles beams.


A.V. Tyukhtin was leader or participant in many grants from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Science Foundation, the Russian Centrum of Fundamental Natural Science, and SPbSU. He has published more than 230 scientific works including 100 papers in leading scientific journals. He has participated at the series of leading conferences in electromagnetic processes and accelerator physics including conferences IPAC, RREPS, Days on Diffraction, PIERS et al. Some investigations were performed in collaboration with experts of SPbESU «LETI» (Russia), Argonne National Laboratory (USA), High Energy Accelerator Research Organization KEK (Japan), and the company Euclid Teсhlabs (USA).


A.V. Tyukhtin guided scientific work of students and post-graduate students who have been awarded with many grants and prizes. He was scientific supervisor of 3 PhD theses.


The main publications can be found in the profiles of the data bases: 


Pure profile:андрей-викторович-тюхтин/
Scopus Author ID:


The main school-books:


Tyukhtin A.V.  Vavilov-Cherenkov Radiation in Isotropic Medium. St. Petersburg: SOLO, 2019. 78 p. (in Russian).


Tyukhtin A.V.  Electromagnetic Waves in Moving Nondispersive Medium.  St.Petersburg:  SPbSU, 2004. 28 p. (in Russian).
